Post by ironhold on Nov 29, 2015 3:23:12 GMT
www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_PageProject Gutenberg's mission is to archive as many books as possible and make them available - for free - to the general public. Most books are older works that have fallen into the public domain, but a few works are ones where the copyright holders have consented to allow Gutenberg to distribute the work. Included among the titles on Gutenberg are many "challenged" or "commonly banned" works, including Tom Saywer and Little Black Sambo.
Post by Cybermortis on Nov 29, 2015 16:21:26 GMT
You can also find Charles Darwin, origin of species. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes. Diary of Samuel Pepis (sp?) and Shakespeare to name but a few. Basically if there is an old classic book or book series you want to read this is probably the first place you should look for a digital copy, many of which you'd be paying for if you got them from elsewhere.
Quality varies somewhat, but books are available in multiple formats so you can load them onto and computer or mobile device. Be aware that the more academic books available, especially those relating to history, tend to be somewhat outdated.
Post by OziRiS on Nov 29, 2015 17:34:02 GMT
I once went there hoping to find a digital version of Sir Isaac Newton's "PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" They had it, but in the original Latin, not English