They way you map the gene, which is represented by the clouds of elements you "Collect", shows where the main concentration regions are.
It "Should" be a straight line.
However, in suspect samples, you may find anomalies....
Apparently, Human minds can spot those anomalies faster than Computers...
Its our ability to recognise pattens.
The amount of crunching that has to be done to get a computer to recognise pattens, and then the EXTRA crunching to get it to notice things that are not a patten?...
Even Watson has problems with that.
Its the fact that computers are logic personified, and there is no such thing as a true random statement in computers.
So, you are given a course through gene "Clouds" and are asked to spot and fly through the densest parts....
How you do that is invaluable to resources.
Trend diagnosis...
If one hindered people looking at the same patten spot the sam anomaly, its probably 100% true that that anomaly deserves further investigation....
And there are literally MILLIONS of samples to be investigated.
This game allows hundreds of people to look at the same sample.
It has been found that the results of 100 NOT trained eyes are more reliable than one set of trained eyes when crunching this amount of data.